

OK, go home now!

Kid R and some chef are in town, doing some stupid "Digs 'n' Dives" BS taping for a cooking network show.

COULD CARE LESS.  Oh, and I do (care LESS).

The town is crowded enough without the swarm of production equipment, trucks and crews littering the sidewalks and blocking the narrow streets.  The absolute hysterical part was driving through town and seeing some oh-so-serious muscle-nerd standing watch over their stupid vintage cars. 

Um, hello!  Michiganians prize a beautifully maintained classic car, and it isn't required to have some Cromagnon goofball standing on the sidewalk next to the cars to keep folks from hopping in.

Dream Cruise. 
Motor City etiquette. 
Concours d'elegance. 

I think we are a bit more adept at appreciating and respecting something from a polite distance and not manhandling a ride.  Doesn't require a hired thug to stand guard - that just draws more attention.

Get a grip, rocker boy.  You aren't all of that.

I'm just saying.

PS - A better shot would have been to turn the camera around on the action and frame the restaurant behind the two blow-hards BS-ing, instead of the sad little businesses on the opposite side of the street.  Think about it, Mr. Producer.  Your production value is already circling the bowl.  Sheesh!

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