

Must be cosmic-letter-writing week

Dear vacuous motorists:

How did you get your licenses? No....reallyHow!?

Specifically (today), you most moronic of motorists who use the ATM at the [rhymes with "schmenisis"] bank branch on Schmixie, in Schmarkston [I'm on a roll, here, may as well go with it]. There was one moron in particular who decided I was in the wrong for bringing to his attention his stupidity by nearly colliding with my car.

That's right, I honked!

And this particular problem is not a one-time thing...oh no.  You ATM users, you massive bunch of stupid twits in cars, I am quite certain you conduct other business from the convenience of your rolled down automobile window.

Oh, yes you do, and don't try to deny it.

You've driven through fast food joints, the pharmacy pickup for medication, Tim Schmortens, Vegas marry-her-now-before-you're-sober wedding chapels.  Oh, yes you have - we've got surveillance camera video footage of you!

For these very reasons, I know you know how to 'hug the wall' and stay in your lane as you drive around the corner of a building.  So WHY can't you follow suite at the bank?!?!!

There's a lane - use it!!  Stop cutting across the drive-thru teller window lanes as you pull away from the ATM.  STOP IT!

One day soon, oh permanently stupid people, I am going to pull up on your right front quarter panel (in the first of those two drive up banking lanes) and park, as if I am trying to make up my mind to go right - into the second lane - or stay in the one next to you.  Then, when I don't move, you are going to do one of three things (and most likely it will be one of the two stupid choices of the three that you will use). It's at that time I will point out the obvious and correct thing you mass of morons should be doing, and then see what transpires.

Will you succumb to the learning curve and graciously accept the correction, or will you follow the intentionally foul and obscene lead of the motorist moron I encountered today?



A person who dislikes stupid behavior and has a lot of time on her hands

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