

24 hours, 2 notes

It was just about this time yesterday when I watched the serving (delivery) of a notice to evict on the neighbor's home across the street - at least I believe that's what the proper term is.

Foreclosure is an unceremonious and dubious activity...and I wonder what the scoundrels who drive around and perform this activity make in a day?

Sort of like watching a repossession of an auto, but without the tow truck or histrionic person chasing after their vehicle as it disappears down the street and out of view.

The rat who performed the duty drove up to a sudden stop in a clunker automobile, exited the car looking shifty and nervous, and walked swiftly up the driveway to the front door. He never knocked but went to work taping a bright neon blue notice to the front door for all the world to see.

Looking over his shoulder several times, he then backed away from the door, turned and skulked about halfway down the drive, all the while looking for gun barrels, flying bricks and snarling dogs. I can only imagine that he has had his share of run-ins while delivering "the bad news."

Swiftly...efficiently...he drew a camera from his pocket and snapped a photo of the front of the house with the neon note fluttering against the door. Then, he raised his left arm to shoulder height and snapped another picture with his watch and a smaller note in his hand, with the house featured in the background. I guess this is 'proof' that he visited this unlucky soul and served the heinous note 'in person.'

The soon-to-be-non-homeowner cannot say that the note wasn't there, wasn't visible, wasn't.... Here was proof in living color.

Just as swiftly as he arrived, he scurried the remainder of the distance down the drive to his waiting beater, hopped in and pulled away as quickly as could be. The sound of his failing exhaust system could be heard for about a block as he retreated.

It wasn't until this afternoon that I realized there is a similar note hanging inside the screen door of the house neighboring the one just served! It isn't neon colored, but it is large print and looks very official (and very ominous).

Thank you, Lord, for my mom and her sacrifices.

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