

Holiday blessings in little packages

I just finished packaging up three books that folks purchased from the online bookstore late yesterday/last night.

I have learned a little bit (geographically) about our nation in the process, too. For instance, did you know there was a place called Snoqualmie, WA? I didn't.

Some of the destinations I have encountered while shipping out sold books have been entertaining, to say the least. And these last two sets of books are going to entirely opposite ends of the USA, too. One to Washington state and the other two to Kentucky!

Here's hoping these children have long lives filled with a love for reading.

While I'm at it, here's another wish for many more sales throughout the holiday season

Now, I suppose I better get busy and enter some more stock onto my listing at Maybe I will enter lots and lots of Christmas titles. Or, maybe more folklore. Any suggestions?

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