


Took John Wayne in (yes, my car's name is 'John Wayne') for his oil change and all around check up. Lord, how I dislike automobile dealerships and the lies they tell.

Passed the hours working on cutting out squares for the quilt and got quite a bit accomplished.

At one point the 'desk mechanic' walked into the waiting room with the air filter for my engine compartment, placed it on the table in front of me and told me I had "critters." [photo to come]

Well, you can see what he meant. Guess that means we need to poisin our little friends - fun as they may be to watch - the chipmunks have got to go.

Go permanently.

Be gone.

Be no more.....and it has to happen soon.

Sorry animal lovers (one of which I am myself), but the damage(s) and cost to repair/replace is prohibitive.

Things were so much easier yesterday (and by "yesterday" I mean five years ago).

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