

Did I tell you...

A week ago I received a phone call from a crew member I worked with last fall on House of the Rising Sun, telling me my presence (and my pencil) have been requested on another film coming to MI at the end of the month.

I have been requested. Very cool!

Sadly, the first thing past the lips of the PA when I returned his call was, "This is a low budget Indian indie."

Translation: "Don't expect to get paid the value of your work, OR your time."

He couldn't give me a daily rate, nor could he answer many pertinent questions, but he could give me dates - sort of. I left him with a raft of information to get from the Prod/UPM who had requested me to work this gig, and was told I would receive an email in the near future.

A few days back I did find an email from Dan (the PA) telling me the rate was to be "close to last year's on HOTRS." Wow. Sadness. Now I need to either push back or simply say 'thanks but no thanks.' Or, I simply take it and live with it for 6 - 8 weeks.

While there are still too many unanswered bits, my biggest challenge is to see if the rate will rise when I put the bait out there that I would be interested if the rate came up to a decent amount and they covered a room for me to be local, or if the amount came up a significant amount so that I could cover a room myself.

Don't want to lose the work, but I also do NOT want to work for 'FREE' any more. Sheesh! I mean, I must have something they want, so why not take the chance that I could actually get paid this time, right?

We'll see.

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