

Just stuff

The garbage is out!

Well...all except for the cat box bag, but I will get to that in a moment.

There are three bags of regulation garbage, plus one additional box of toss-able household goods; a full container of recyclable plastic and cans, cardboard, etc., stacked alongside; and, six bags of yard waste! That's right, SIX! There would be seven, but the wheels on the dolly are shot, and it was a long hike up both hills from the back fence to the 'curb,' and my heart just wasn't in it.

It turns out that if you pay the additional $8.50 per month, WM will also haul away your yard stuff (which I always thought was a waste of money, but this year it will prove advantageous). can put out as many as 20 bags or bundles of yard waste each week!! This month is going to be worth it - and the prospect of getting all of the weeding and privet trimming done and out of the yard completely is so going to keep me on schedule! One month - start your engines!

Oh, crap! Wait! I forgot to pile the bundles of last year's forsythia and shrub trimmings out!

[huff - puff - mopping brow]

I would have stayed outdoors and worked in the beds or trimmed the privets down a bit more, but between the rain and the mosquitoes, I figured I could get more done inside this morning. I will trek back outside in a few hours, with a healthy dose of sunscreen, bug repellent and my hat on, once the rain ends.

The birds are in a mood today. Chickadees and sparrows chirping, robins gabbing and lovely cardinals singing. Even my three clown buddies, the blue jays, are in evidence early on. They are happily diving into the flowerbed and gobbling up bugs now easily gotten to.

Earlier in the week I saw a flicker land on a fresh anthill in the greening yard and quickly devour dozens of the nasty little creatures in less than a minute's time. Go, bird, go! However, it also made me think I need to be careful how I spread the ant killer in the future.

[sigh] But, it was some silly bird taking a bath in my gutter who made me realize I have a good deal of extra cleaning to get done...and that I am not looking forward to. Ugh! The yard work is enough to handle and get caught up with. Aarrrgh!! Yikes - and the catbox still needs cleaning!

OK, enough for now. Time to dig in to something fun and necessary, or balance a checkbook or wash and fold laundry. ;) More stuff later.

Make it a great day.

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