

Straw: 1 - Camel's Back: 0

So, I did it. I participated in the DWIFF 48-hour Film Challenge DWIFF (or, the lion's share of it, at least).

Not a great team, sorry to say.

Well, I had a great entry written, but the blogger system failed - AGAIN! They are having their issues lately.

Let's let it stand at this:

I had a taste (and whiff) of it (the 48-hour film challenge), and swallowed enough to know I should have followed my gut feelings and instincts. Although, it wasn't the film challenge itself, per se', it was the group I was with...most specifically, ONE of the two driving forces (and it's not the one whose name rhymes with 'snot').

The two Tweedledums who put [our] team together were lackluster - and that's as kind as I can be. They wanted to make a short to beat the guy who won the film challenge at the DWIFF last year.

OK, so go put on a show in your garage and come back when you are ready to work as a team and ACT LIKE MEMBERS OF A TEAM!!

I haven't the resources to support your ineffectual lofty dreams, while you sit on your fat butt and bark orders, pontificate, smell bad at either end (and in between), behave as a blowhard and waste time smoking cigarettes and gulping down fast food, while the rest of us stand around in the parking lot (and EVERYwhere else) awaiting your return from a "bathroom break."

Not cool! Yes, I tried to keep us on track; when you fight it and complain, and then act like a complete child about needing to get the last of the filming done HOURS later...and oh, dammit the daylight is now gone...why do you think that is?


Scratch on your own time!!

Oh, by the way, I did hear what you said about me to the others, through the door, when I returned to get Scott's car keys to retrieve gear from his car. Yes I kept things moving (or I tried to), because I have had a lot more experience than you working the process on a film set.

You may have been acting as the director, but it was a team effort, and your dillydallying was not a help...NOR was it appreciated, knowing what was ahead of us yet with the remaining afternoon light.

And, by the way, tossing my very expensive 'dead cat' windscreen at a car windshield because you couldn't be bothered to simply hand it to me by reaching out a little to your right - SO NOT COOL!

Let's see how you do deciphering my "completely unnecessary" script notes. Yeah, and good luck dealing with the footage you decided to shoot without me. You wanted notes on the "time code" (his incorrect phrase for logging time), but you shot the better part of 5 pages of dialogue without making notes and a time log. Have fun scrolling for the footage.

One more thing (I had two, but I have since forgotten the second): My car is not a waste receptical.

I resented the whole "let's dump everything in the open Scion...even when the owner kept saying 'don't leave things in my car.' " If you couldn't be bothered to remember where you stuffed sh*t, you deserved the panicked feeling you experienced an hour or more later. But, the others participating in your Tomfoolery suffered when you realized "the filters are come we can't find them? Everybody...look!"

Did you stop to think that some of those people did not know what it was they were looking for? The lost time was frustrating and unnecessary.


So, this camel is going to head out to her garden for a little while. Too much lost time there, too...but I am going to leave this straw behind me when I go.

Enjoy your day, I'll let you know how it all (the film short) turns out. :)

1 comment:

Crosby Kenyon said...

Sorry you had such a bad time doing something that you obviously enjoy..maybe even love?