


Click on the photo to view in larger - clearer - detail

Aside from the lovely barren soil (free of weeds, that is, not baby-making capabilities), the back bed is looking promising. [insert beaming facial expression here]

I did get an early start at it this morning, but by ten o'clock I was dripping wet and tired - and I had stayed in the shade as much as I could. By eleven the sun had risen to the point over the apple tree where working in the shade was becoming impossible....and I had finally run out of steam (even though I hadn't yet run out of weeds).

While exorcising the garden demons, I also stacked more pavers onto the retaining wall around the bed. I don't remember having purchased so many of them prior to losing my job, but there they were under all of that thatch! Perhaps with another paying job I can get a couple of yards of dirt hauled in to build the bed to a proper height. Hmmm....

Over the past few years the soil has washed away, little by little with rain and snowfall, and/or compacted around the surviving plants. I was struck with the need to correct the problem once I had my nose right in the bed this weekend, carefully pulling choke weeds from my lavender. I was in such a hurry all those years ago to get the job done and to get the lovely plants I had in the ground, that I didn't take the time to do a proper job making certain the soil was level - to prevent the inevitable slide downhill with the slope of the yard. [kicking self]

[heavy, heavy sigh]

This morning I managed to water the entire yard, taking extra care to get every nook and cranny, and soaked the flowers (transplanted and the new Wisteria) in their new home(s). Also kicking myself over not watering the grass at all yesterday, under the mistaken reasoning that we were to have thunderstorms well into the night. Well......those rains never materialized, and I am praying that the seed wasn't ruined by the lack of rain and my poor judgement in not wanting to over-water.

Hopefully things are going to be OK as far as the grass is concerned.

While slow-going, the work in the back bed is progressing, and tomorrow will find me working my way to the south end - past the mid-way point. I'll post a shot of the entire area so you can see the overall look to date, until then I trust you've enjoyed the two pictures offered with this post.

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