

And while I'm at it

While I am busy shooting myself in the foot, I am going to touch on another bothersome practice of the 'film industry' here in Michigan.

The outlook was wonderful regarding finally getting a payscale close to appropriate for script supervision work...until Gov Fathead-Stupidpants was elected (Snyder, for those of you not living in the "mitten state").

Yes, the daily rate was slowly going up; and while we were never going to approach the rates afforded to Scriptys in CA or NY (or GA and AZ, for that matter), it was looking promising to getting paid something more akin to the 12-14 hr days and LOADS of paperwork that must be done.

The job is undervalued. You don't see the camera department seconds and assistants making a paultry sum. Nor the lighting/grips. So why should the person whose work is so necessary to keeping the sound and camera info in sync, and who gives the editor a 'visual' of the shot sequences without seeing the footage, and informs the UPM, producer(s) and coordinator of just where the filming is (on schedule or not) at the end of each shooting day so poorly paid and rewarded?


Yeah, I don't know, either.

I applied to no less than five new productions looking for crew over the last two weeks, and finally just heard from two of them - about a day apart. The first responding UPM and I had a good phone conversation, and I sent a copy of my work for a production day. Was told via email, that evening, that I would hear back from them the next day. (The next day I heard that they would let me know something the next day - which would be today. Go figure.)

A day later I was contacted by a producer's asst on yet another project that I applied to, and received a brief note telling me that the Scripty rate is $100 per day. 'Get in touch if that is acceptable.'

OK, when I responded to their ad looking for an "EXPERIENCED SCRIPT SUPER" (yes, they had that portion in caps) for an LBI (low budget indie) they also requested you include your desired rate. Taking what I know into account, I proposed a fair $185/day to get myself into pricing range. Their options for working, knowledgeable, current continuity folk in this state is slim. I was a bargain at that rate.

Yesterday I received the brief note telling me their rate and that I should get in touch very quickly if that is acceptable.

Well, it's NOT acceptable, not for what you think you should get from any Scripty worth their salt. So, I responded with a polite information request - asking for my own info in order to make an informed decision. Let's see if I get a response or if I am rebuffed for not jumping up and down and wetting myself over the chance to make nothing for doing a boatload of work.

Yes, people, I know I need the work. I know! But, if I am giving away the store for the chance to what?....just to have my name on one more crew list, I may as well be paying them!

The first production has told me where and for how long. I know it is a pawltry $125 a day, and that I will be driving to Detroit for six day weeks, and I know my pre-pro and my wrap dates. I was looking for the same info from the second tribe so I could determine if there was any merit to switching ships if it came to that.

The only info allowed from prod#2 were vague dates and a general vague location. Since the film folk seem to think filming in Holly, MI is filming in Detroit, I need clarification.

Sit tight, let's see if I hear from anyone today. Otherwise, I intend to have fun with this sunshine filling the house! Later.

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