

Rainy + foggy = Fainoggy?




It equals today in Michigan.

Ah, well. Let's move on.

September is already 2/3 gone, and I am nowhere near ready for October. But, the way the allergies are acting up, I will be glad (for both Karl and myself) to have the frost do it's thing. It will be a sad day when we have to close up the house for winter, for despite the pollen, fresh air wafting through is always welcome.

At present, Hobbes is sitting in one of the front windows having a staredown contest with our resident chipmunk. The chipmunk is unflinching, but 'Beana' is stiff competition. However, he is driving me mad with his endless chirpy little bark, so excuse me a moment, please.

Okay, I'm back and the noise is gone - at least for the time being. Sorry, cat.

I made a decent dent yesterday, in the first row of the quilt I am working on. Wish I could post a photo, but it would give away the design, and I can't afford to do that - just yet. Suffice to say, I was very happy to have gotten as much done as I did (for a change), and progress can be seen in snitches and snatches at if you're interested.

Today is supposed to be a warmer day - once the fog moves off. And since it rained overnight and into the early morning hours, it most likely will be a humid day, too, with the temps in the predicted high seventies. Yug.

Need to get Karl to corral his classwork and notes into a binder today. His armful of stuff is getting a little hazardous to carry, and impossible for him to find anything in. He likes it that way, but there is a way to organize it all, and Karl needs that practice.

Be quiet, Peanut Gallery.

And me? I have plenty of things to do, so I suppose I will close for now and get to them. Hope you have a productive day!

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