

Definition of a miracle

For those dozen or so bystanders in Utah, who lifted a car off of an accident victim before he could burn to death, thank God!

If you haven't seen the video online somewhere, or heard the story on your morning news... it is remarkable!  It was humanity.  It was a miracle!

A young man on a motorbike was struck by an SUV (or large model car).  The bike erupted into flames upon impact, while the motorcyclist was pinned under the car with no way to escape. 

Pedestrians approached the car to try and move it off of the man, to no avail.  First one and two, then five people.  Not certain if the man was even still alive, many people had a hard time simply standing by while a body burned - dead or not.

Quickly, a young woman dropped to her stomach near the flames to get a better view of the biker to see if, in fact, the man was still alive.  When she saw movement she called out to the growing crowd, who then swarmed the vehicle, forcing it up high enough - and long enough - for another person to grab a leg and pull the man from under the car to safety.

If that's not a miracle, then I don't know what would constitute one in this day in age.  People, we are all in this together.

P.S.   No, the biker was not wearing a helmet, but the latest news from the hospital is that despite fractures to his legs, hips (and pelvis, I think), there are no major or life-threatening injuries - he is expected to fully recover! 

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