

Darned internal alarm clock!

Dark and quiet.  The sights and sounds outside my open windows are comforting and private.

Been up for a little while - for no good reason - and just couldn't fall back to sleep, so here I am.  This would have been handy if I'd had someplace to be, or something to do at 6:15AM!

The cats think I am up to serve them an early breakfast.  HA.  I love their simple, blind faith and adoring inquisitive faces.

The coming week is a mash up of stuff.  Meetings with friends and networking opportunities; Karl's classes and probably a trip to the dealership for the last free oil change and looky-loo under the new car warranty.  Scary thought. 

My PC, for whatever reason, has decided to forget who I am, and has 'unremembered' all of my user info on various sites and is making me re-enter everything everywhere!  What's up with that?  Outrageous!!  Talk about needing a cheat sheet - sheesh!

Got home from a romp yesterday, with the sun shining and daylight all around, thinking I would have brilliant light with which to lay out more squares for my latest quilt project.  Uhhh....not so much.  I pulled into the driveway and found only clouds and shadows until early in the evening.  It's a conspiracy I say!!!

The sky is revealing itself slowly.   From my vantage point out the library window I can see the periwinkle blueness of a new day fading up in the western sky.  Watching the sunrise in "reverse" is interesting.  The sounds of the crickets and busy night frogs is giving way to drowsy birds.

Lighter and lighter grows the sky.  It's now 7AM, and for some reason there is now what sounds like gunshots (or fireworks?) banging off and popping in the distance and in an unknown direction.  Seriously?  I hope your neighbors egg your home later.

The sky is pale baby blue, with hints of wispy clouds well beyond the reach of the maple tree branches.  Cleo is at my feet prutting and chirping in her sweet little voice, and had just reached out to touch my leg sweetly with one of her little 'button' paws to remind me it is now officially fooding time.  We've kept each other company throughout the twilight show, but now it is time to step into action on the day. 

The pre-dawn light is sufficiently nudging the shadows aside and illuminating the corners and surfaces in the rooms behind me.  Cleo's purring is now of the ravenous sort, and her noises are more frequent and pleading and expectant.  Her little touches have given way to the hefty nuzzling prod of her nose on my calf - all things that I love about her.  Yes, she is most definitely hungry!

Outside, the noises of the birds are louder still, with a murder of crows off in the distance making their hellish "scraw-scraw" calls to one another.  They are the only birds I will shoo away out of my trees when they land. 

Inside, my pack of felines are now all requesting food, and there is no denying them any longer. 

Until later in the's hoping you can enjoy your Sunday morning.

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