

The latest

1) The day was half as wet as the weather weenies predicted it'd be - at least for our area.

2) Bud mowed the lawn, but couldn't bag it properly because we had no bags in the garage - where they belonged. No, the bags were in my car, 'seeing the countryside.' Helpful.

3) The rain began falling before I could get home with the lawn bags, with which to bag the grass clippings. We now have a two-and-one-helf foot tall mound of wet grass in the driveway.

4) Oh, yeah, Karl had his six month dental cleaning. The lawn bags were apparently along for the ride (I think they were shirking yard duty).

5) Ah yes. Brian sort of trimmed the low hanging branches on the Chinese Maple out front. Let's just say his pruning style is more George-of-the-Jungle-meets-Crazyass-Tarzan and less like any standard yardcare guru.

6) Had time to cut and sort several hundred squares for the new quilt project, and still get quite a bit of sewing done on the patriotic crazy quilt. The Statue of Liberty is nearly complete (you have NO idea how good it feels to get that done)! Photos at:

7) Heard nothing (NOTHING) from the first production, even though we had arranged a phone interview with the director for today.

8) Did hear (oddly enough) from the second production (even lower paying than the first) as far as they would like to have a face-to-face interview Thursday. How am I gonna squeeze that in? LOL

9) I need to get some sewing done tomorrow in a big way to make up for the lost time over the last two days. If I do get a production job, my quilt aspirations for the immediate future are bleak.

10) Brian received a call from his new store manager today. Even though he was told it would be about two weeks before all the interviewing and decisions were made, Mgr Tim has decided to hire Bud on as the full time CES manager in a new store! And, unlike their earlier estimation, they want him to begin working there beginning next week, and not nearer the end of October! A promotion and a raise and more hours - good, good, good!

11) My fall flowers are more beautiful every day. The clematis and white Japanese Anemone are absolutely stunning, and it makes me want to get out there and weed one more time before the snow falls. Riiiiight.

Okay, that's the latest for tonight. Have yourself a good night's sleep and a wonderful tomorrow.

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