

I put myself 'out there'

Oh, yes I did.

I stuck it way out there and had it slapped, pinched, teased, and then hung out to dry.

Friends and acquaintances have suggested networking and meeting up, and said they'll call, but it always winds up a bust.  A big ol' goose egg.  Nada.  Bupkiss.  Zilch.  (By the way - voice mail sucks - in general... esp with t-mobile.)  Oh, and if you are reading this and you think this bit of boo-hooing is only because of you, please believe me when I say no, it isn't.  Trust me, it so isn't just you.

Yes, I know life can jump in the way...take over and mess up plans.  I know that stuff can happen and re-route us.  I am well aware that there are forks in the road...and bumps and potholes, blah, blah, blah.  But three days running with three separate sets of plans/peoples? 


What is fate/life trying to say to me?  "Stay put."  "Wait your turn - it's not your time, yet."  I've been stuck in 'Wait World' with my 'next-in-line' number pinched between my forefinger and thumb so long the ink has worn clean off.

Oh, yeah, I'm out there, baby.  Could someone toss me an umbrella, please, it looks like it's gonna be a while longer and we're heading back into a rainier season.

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