

Another grey day

Holy smokes.  How can there be so much grey in the sky?  I sort of expect it in those wintry bleak months, when the weather turns and it is called for (you know, November, January, February), but it's September for-crying-out-loud!  Knock it off!!

Because the weather has turned so dramatically and so quickly, the leaves are already beginning that color shift thing, and a few trees are throwing off leaves as though it's time for that.  Well, it's not!

[stamping foot at Mother Nature]

I've been trying to have a material giveaway on the other blog page - - but no one seems interested, so I am canceling it.  There are readers, but no one (except for Maria) wants the free 'fat' fat quarters.  Go figure. 

[WARNING: Don't read this paragraph if you don't like sour grapes] 
I have perused many other quilt blogs with nothing much to say, and can't for the life of me figure out why [greatly edited] they have comment after comment.  They give away material and have people begging for it.  I try to find out about the people who (I can see) are reading the blog, visiting from countries far and wide (and from right here in the US), and have no responses!  What is up with people!?

[Sour grapes are done - resume reading]

Trying to remain positive has become a second full time job...and I am failing miserably.  Everything is affected, and I am hating being around myself any more.

Any suggestions?

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