

I'll take it!

Bright and sunny, with beautiful blue skies - I'll take it!

Turned on the boob tube late, but in time to hear the last words of Joel Osteen's advice to let go of comments and negativity that brings me down or holds me back - I'll use that!

A chance to enter my art quilt into a prize-winning show I hadn't counted on - I'll take it!

Another opportunity to re-invent myself (or, add to my skill sets) - I'll do that!

The possibility to smile while my hands are busy and my brain is sharp - I'll take it!

The good feelings that come with hugging your sons and telling them you're proud of them - I'll give and take it!

Trying to squeeze more out of the growing daylight hours and not waste time - I'll try that!

To be a blessing and to count my blessings - I'll do that!

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