

OK. [drum roll] So long, February

Maybe the reason people find February such an arduous month is due to the fact that it follows January. Not much redeeming value for either, save for the odd holidays (banker's and otherwise) giving folks additional days away from work, and kids (MORE) time off from school.

I mean, much time DO you need not working after two proximal eating celebrations (Thanksgiving and Christmas) and a night of complete debauchery (New Year's eve)? I mean....come on.

At any rate, Jan and Feb are two cold, grey, snowy (or wet), white (or muddy brown - depending upon your geographic location), daylight-starved, sun-deprived months.

I've said it before and I will say it the rest of my life: don't blame February on our yearly march through time. It's a placeholder, just like April or just happens to be located early in the year, among the colder and bleaker months, that's all.

It gives you Valentine's Day, Presidents Day, MLK day, Mardi Gras and 'fat Tuesday,' and "mid-winter break"?

C'mon! Your spring break (an almost legitimate period of time off) is right around the freaking corner! Can't you wait?

Oh, what's the use.

See you next year, February. Same bat time, same bat channel.

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