

Oh yeah, and......

Made a spicy tortilla soup and enchiladas for supper last night, including the mole' sauce to finish the job.

When the boys were younger I had to refrain from making things too spicy, but now that they are older - all bets are off.

Myself, I don't really like things "hot" just for the sake of adding the heat. I want to taste my food. If the spiciness is an after-effect of an ingredient or two, that's fine, but to make a dish 'toasty' without adding to - or horror of horrors - covering up the flavor....FORGEDDABOUDIT!

For me, the flavor of a meal is more important than (or at the very least, JUST as important as) being satisfied and full when you walk away from the table.

I can't savor the flavor if I am busy putting out fires.

I let Karl taste the mole sauce before the enchiladas were done, because he came out to the kitchen following his nose.

"What smells so good?" he salivated, looking over my shoulder.

So, I grabbed up a teaspoon and scooped out a small sample of the sauce for him. Although his eyes moistened a little, and he reached for a glass of water, he was smitten with the flavor. So much so, he snagged a cut piece of raw onion to dip into the sauce to try again!

Everybody has their own recipe, but mine has always been to saute' the red chili powder and paprika in about one-to-two tablespoons of olive oil before adding a good deal of garlic to saute'. Once those three things are aromatic and ready, I add the tomato sauce, a touch of salt and a good dose of freshly cracked black pepper, and then let it all simmer for a bit.


The steak enchiladas disappeared quickly, and the soup remains for today at lunch.

What's for dinner? I don't know, so I guess it's time to go look in the freezer.

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