

Not a bad day...overall

Put a little studying for the next HUC test under my belt today, but I have a LOT more to do before I am ready to walk into the classroom. So, I will be devoting more hours tonight, and most of the day tomorrow to get it done. SO much anatomy.

Finished attaching the sleeve to the back of the competition quilt, and despite a little excess stretching that happened to one side more than the other (of the quilt itself), it is hanging beautifully! The boys aren't thrilled about having to hold it - again - so that I can take the necessary entry photo (in what remains of our daylight), and unless Brian gets himself home in the next ten minutes, it won't happen today at all.

Maybe that's his master plan. Drats and curses!

Went up to the bank and enjoyed getting outdoors during what was an absolutely gorgeous day. On the drive to town I passed our largest small lake and noted that the little bit of ice that had managed to form over a small portion of the lake this winter was now completely gone!

I had to chuckle thinking of all of those ice fishermen who wait all year for ice fishing season.........and this year it never came. The little bit of ice that did manage to form over that past few months was inadequate for a dog to walk on, let alone set up a shanty and park a human keester on.

Ah well, there's always next year, right?

In any event, my chuckle grew to outright laughter when I caught sight of a man in a small boat out several hundred yards from shore, enjoying the life out of the sunshine and the chance to fish in any kind of weather condition!

On the way back home I drove past a woman walking four or five dogs. She was patiently allowing one of the larger brutes to make a pit stop on a slim piece of grass where the snow had receded.

This dog meant complete business, too.

When he finished making his puddle, he began that doggy back-kicking, flinging-not-burying dance step they do, and the woman had to duck and cover because Fido was flinging the muddy patches of grass and snow directly at her during his doggy fandango!

Awe, I know I shouldn't laugh, but it was priceless.

[tick-tock, tick-tock]

So, it's nearly half an hour later, and while I still have no photo to enter the quilt with, I do have my moments of enjoyment to remember and relish from the day.

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