

Study, study, study, study..... (rinse and repeat)

Passed weekly tests numbers three and four, but because I am enrolled in two classes - which usually run one after the other, and not concurrently - I am constantly behind the eight ball just trying to keep a little bit ahead in order to pass what would be the second of the two.

I am also scoping the terrain for a transcription course to take as soon as possible. Once May hits and Med Term and Anatomy and Health Unit Coordinator are finished, I will be available, and will have the necessary work under my belt in order to enroll and pass that class as well.

I hear transcription may be preferable to HUC work - and maybe somewhat easier to find some work, too. Either way, I guess we'll see.

For now, it's back to the head doesn't feel as full as it may need to be. ;)

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