

Oh, crap!

In high style, I managed to somehow overlook the portion at the back of the text book for the HUC class (we always have two chapters to read/review/cram, AND the additional units within another chapter at the back of the book as a review of the first class they had to pass in order to get into the HUC class - I will have this stuff in my first class many weeks from now), so when it came time for our weekly test, I became, oh...what's the word? Um, uh...incontinent.

[mocking laughter]

No, happily, I did not wet myself, but while the rest of the class reviewed with our instructor, I began to try committing some of what I missed to memory.

Oh, Mylanta! How did I make such a huge blunder? I dunno, but there it was.

As it turned out, I managed to get all but two of those questions correct on the test, so I am alright with my grade thus far. Only now, I have just that much more to catch up on and cram into my head for the coming mid-term exam. It's weeks in the offing, but those are going to be frantic weeks.

Oh, holy night!

Oh, brother!

Oh, fer-crying-out........

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