

Two pet peeves

Is there really any chance the news media can attempt to stop sensationalizing every little thing? Blowing something so bizarrely sideways and out of proportion is simply poor reporting, and then once that story (poorly and inaccurately reported) is picked up by further outlets, a story becomes more than it is not.

Now, I am not saying that the failure of a cable lifting steel girders several hundred feet into the air at a construction site is a "little thing," I want to get that stated right up front. BUT, when the headline - and lead story lines - states that "steel girders collapsed and fell at the new Trade Center construction site on Thursday," it just rankles my sensibilities.

People, the girders did not fail.

I repeat: The steel girders did not "collapse" - which would suggest they were of poor quality or poorly installed to begin with. NO! A cable those particular girders were being hoisted into place with - the cables on the crane - failed, causing those girders to fall to the ground.

Nobody was injured, thank God, but a trailer was crushed.

Can we please say what we mean, and mean what we say?

On another topic:

There is a truly IGNORANT ad on TV at the moment is from a GOP runner whose voice over states that "Obama has done what the liberals have wanted to do for years" and that has lead to the failure and loss of Michigan jobs and livelihoods.

Um, hellooooooooo.

Don't drive through Detroit streets and show boarded up, derelict homes, abandoned and ruined LONG before Mr. Obama took office. Don't pontificate from a supposedly Michigan-made car and say that Obama's failures took the country into the hole WHICH WAS DUG BY YOUR TEAM, sir. Republicans ran this country and the economy into the ground and began back filling before a new set of workers could try to correct the problems.

YOUR side established a spending spree and a war, causing the debt to escalate and jobs to disappear. YOUR side allowed fat cats to continue with their glutenous, illegal activities, screwing over the common man and aiding the rich, greedy, corrupt corporate dealings to continue until collapse was not only imminent, but unavoidable. Your side penned the bailouts and fluff sanctions, and allowed banks to run amok.

Your party handed this mess to the new president and then fought him tooth and nail every time he tried to make headway or correct the course.

Damn it, Republican b*stards!!! If you can't lead (and you've proven for years that you can't), follow or get out of the way!!

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