

Oh, well....why not (not really a question)

That isn't wrong, that headline.

You see, it's more a statement of...what? Fact?

No. Not fact.


No, I don't feel as though I am giving up or giving in.

It's just that I noticed a several days ago a trend had begun (sort of) with the titles of the blog, and since we're at the end of the month I thought it would be amusing to carry it on to the conclusion of February.

Oh, yes I did. ;)

Had a haircut within the last three weeks or so, and it is the best cut I have had in years.

YEARS, I tell you! She took off four inches (yes, I had let it grow out, but I do not wear long hair well).

My biggest fear is that the next person to cut my hair will muck it up seriously; and if I weren't so hideous in front of a camera, I would take a couple of photos so as to show whomever stands ready to shear it next the exact way I need/want it done.

The boys are slow getting up this morning. It's now just after nine, and Bud has work to get up for, but since he shut off his alarm I have heard no further movement or noise from that end of the house. Guess it's time to prod a bit. Perhaps a little Karl-prodding wouldn't be a bad thing, either.

Oh, now...where's that sharp stick?

There have been no online sales for some time, and I could really use it right now. Many of my listings are either hard to find, out-of-print (OOP) books, or have more than one book included in the purchase. I will be adding new titles to the listings over the weekend, so if you've looked in once before please know there will be many more to choose from soon. If you are interested in a particular author, illustrator or title, ask...I may have it (I have thousands), and I can let you know quickly enough if it is available.

If you know of anyone who would like to buy a children's book (or three, or five - or more), please send them my way. Thanks!

Well, there is still a lot of studying to do - a whole other chapter to re-read and gets notes from - and to memorize - so I will bid you 'adios' for the time being.

Oh, my, what have I gotten myself into? (Now, that was a question.)

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